With every day that passes Ali knows it’s less likely that Gabe will be found. Being the son of a brilliant detective, he knows what he needs to solve the mystery, the only thing he is lacking is… patience! When his best friend goes missing, Ali jumps into action. James Patterson is one of the world’s best-selling authors alive. If you’d like to see a list of all James Patterson’s books in order not just those featuring Alex Cross you can find one here.

His many bestselling series for young readers include the critically acclaimed Middle School books and the new Ali Cross series brings the thrills of his blockbuster Alex Cross books to the next generation.Īlex’s son Ali may not be the most athletic in the family, but he is keen to follow in his Dad’s footsteps as a detective. There are kids who love reading, and kids who are reading the wrong books”. Each author was limited to one title on the list (to keep the list. Patterson is passionate about children’s literacy, driven by the firm belief that “There’s no such thing as a kid who hates reading. Alex Cross Mysteries (series) James Patterson. Yes Please, No Thank You Holiday Meal Manners Game - FREE Printable AND. Box books in order chronologically.Ali Cross is the new series for readers 9+ by James Patterson, one of the world’s most popular authors. James Patterson, New Childrens Books, Good Books, Easy Books, Teen Books. The lists have links to dedicated pages for each of the stories. To help make sure that you don’t miss out on anything that this New York Times bestselling author has written, on this page we’ve produced a complete list of C.J. The first list contains all of the full-length novels, while the second has any novellas or short stories that are linked to the series.